Is NASA sincere with us?

There is doubt that NASA is not sincere with us – all the people of the world. Is NASA placing extra layers in the pictures to fool us. Why? What purpose that could serve? Make your own conclusions. Anyway here is that Hypersonic Mars Project video that will tell you how it could be done. (This video has a photo from Mars, but the same thing is possibly happenning with the NASA photos of the moon.)


Sergeant Karl Wolf on structures in the moon

THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT May 9, 2001 National Press Club – Karl Wolf described a base on the far side of the moon with structures in the shape of mushrooms, spheres, and towers. RUVIRO has taken the background video at the moon edge in 2019 which fit that description of Karl Wolf (however they are not necessarily the ones described by Karl Wolf since there are plenty of structures to be found on the moon).