Apollo 16 Space Documentary

Apollo 16 was launched on 16 April 1972, landed in the Descartes Highlands on 21 April 1972 and returned to Earth on 27 April 1972.

From the above video I have taken 3 snapshots to pay special attention to the anomalies found in this video on the Moon.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 1.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 22:39. Multiple anomalies.
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 22:39. Multiple anomalies.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 2.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 27:51
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 27:51.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 3.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 32:22
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 32:22. A big rock with plenty of anomalies on and around the rock. An entrance to something unknown.