Apollo 16 Space Documentary

Apollo 16 was launched on 16 April 1972, landed in the Descartes Highlands on 21 April 1972 and returned to Earth on 27 April 1972.

From the above video I have taken 3 snapshots to pay special attention to the anomalies found in this video on the Moon.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 1.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 22:39. Multiple anomalies.
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 22:39. Multiple anomalies.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 2.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 27:51
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 27:51.

Apollo 16 anomalies captured in video. Snapshot 3.
Click on the image to see it better.

Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 32:22
Apollo 16 Space Documentary time 32:22. A big rock with plenty of anomalies on and around the rock. An entrance to something unknown.



Apollo 17 Moon exploring – an earlier NASA video

This video is older and more original and it contains some sceenes that have been left out or painted over in later versions. Compare this video to the next video describing the same Moon exploration of Apollo 17.

Pay special attention to the sceenes between time 11:09 and 15:04. Compare to the next video after this one.


Apollo 17 – Amazing Moon anomaly

The Moon surface contains glassy material. Especially the bottoms of some craters look like lighted windows with huge images. This video taken from the Apollo 17 Command Module contains some amazing images seen on the surface of the Moon.

(This video is really amazing and I wish we could have another video from some other source to prove the authenticity of the material.  Obviously at the moment we have to do with this only one.)


Anomalies in Moon crater images

Let´s face it. There are huge anomalies inside the Moon craters. What are these images? Why they are there? We need  urgently an acceptable explication.

This video from ArtAlienTV trys to analize some images in the Moon craters.


Sergeant Karl Wolf on structures in the moon

THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT May 9, 2001 National Press Club – Karl Wolf described a base on the far side of the moon with structures in the shape of mushrooms, spheres, and towers. RUVIRO has taken the background video at the moon edge in 2019 which fit that description of Karl Wolf (however they are not necessarily the ones described by Karl Wolf since there are plenty of structures to be found on the moon).


The Lost NASA Apollo Tapes

The Lost NASA Apollo Tapes.

An interesting and shocking story about the lost NASA Apollo tapes.

See this video and the comments of the viewers of it.